Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Update from one of my social networks! Science or God- What do I believe?

Had to choose some side!
If "God" is the encryptor, then "Science" is the decryptor! If "God" is the creator, "Science" is the discoverer!
I can explain how Rayleigh Scattering is responsible for beautiful colors during a sunset, but I can never explain why it is beautiful or why I enjoy it!

When man was inventing tools to survive in the wild 10000 years before, his tools and skills were Science- his faith, love and fears were God!
Can never ask my girl- "What's the proof that you love me?"
Neither can I dip my finger in concentrated H2SO4 with a blind faith that it won't burn!
Do I believe in God? That's very personal. :)

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