Disclaimer of an ordinary guy on Facebook/ Twitter/ LinkedIn/ Wherever:
Dear all,
I just wanted to update my status here with a disclaimer and for good reasons. Here goes:
Whatever I say/ speak/ type/ write/ communicate/ message/ update/ sms/ tweet/ share/ like/ post/ comment/ convey/ discuss/ chat- in any form of communication, here or elsewhere, either in soft or hard format, electronically
Dear all,
I just wanted to update my status here with a disclaimer and for good reasons. Here goes:
Whatever I say/ speak/ type/ write/ communicate/ message/ update/ sms/ tweet/ share/ like/ post/ comment/ convey/ discuss/ chat- in any form of communication, here or elsewhere, either in soft or hard format, electronically
or in person- is simply my personal opinion. And none of these 'opinions' could be generalized nor held as a legal opinion. I am just an ordinary guy writing/ chatting with my friends here online and trying to have a good time. If any of my posts are found to be hurting, please ignore them. Not everyone can be a good movie critic. Not everyone understands the subtle emotions a poem (or even his own girlfriend for that matter) is trying to convey. We all have our weaknesses, we all have our worries, we all have our compromises. Abraham Lincoln was no different- he carried the pressures of leadership all the time, says Steven Spielberg. I am no comparison. Sir Amitabh Bacchhan addresses his fans on twitter as "Extended Twitter family" or something like that. I am just trying to crack a little conversation with my friends here- my online family- and not to formulate/ fabricate any political/religious/ sensitive views.
We have a voice- we speak. We have a brain- we think. We have freedom, we live life the way we choose, of course without harming/ affecting someone much. And all the laws, rules and regulations are supposed to protect this very essence that makes us human- "freedom".
So, to all those interested- Do consider this status update to be a disclaimer which clearly and fully states that all views I express here or elsewhere are my personal views and are not intended to trouble anyone in whatsoever form. Just as any cartoonist, a caricaturist, an animator, a creative director, a press-reporter or a film maker expresses his/ her vision about a subject of interest, I share my opinions with my 'friends', 'colleagues' and 'acquaintances'. This is totally natural and Human. If you are not anyone of these, don't even bother about what I say. It doesn't hold any value in your life. My 'friends', 'colleagues' and 'acquaintances' know me well and they would understand, at least partially, the context in which I am drafting my opinion.
Note: All names and references made to anybody in the above disclaimer belong to the respective persons (and of course not to me). Please do not relate this disclaimer or its content to anything other than what is explicitly expressed here. It's not contextual. It's literal and complete in itself with no indirect implications to anything.
End of Disclaimer.
My actual status update to my 'friends', 'colleagues' and 'acquaintances':
I am relieved. Phew..
Hope this solves it. Phew again. I never thought that Social Media Networking would turn into such Serious Media/ Severe Media /Scary Media/ Sorry Media Networking.
We have a voice- we speak. We have a brain- we think. We have freedom, we live life the way we choose, of course without harming/ affecting someone much. And all the laws, rules and regulations are supposed to protect this very essence that makes us human- "freedom".
So, to all those interested- Do consider this status update to be a disclaimer which clearly and fully states that all views I express here or elsewhere are my personal views and are not intended to trouble anyone in whatsoever form. Just as any cartoonist, a caricaturist, an animator, a creative director, a press-reporter or a film maker expresses his/ her vision about a subject of interest, I share my opinions with my 'friends', 'colleagues' and 'acquaintances'. This is totally natural and Human. If you are not anyone of these, don't even bother about what I say. It doesn't hold any value in your life. My 'friends', 'colleagues' and 'acquaintances' know me well and they would understand, at least partially, the context in which I am drafting my opinion.
Note: All names and references made to anybody in the above disclaimer belong to the respective persons (and of course not to me). Please do not relate this disclaimer or its content to anything other than what is explicitly expressed here. It's not contextual. It's literal and complete in itself with no indirect implications to anything.
End of Disclaimer.
My actual status update to my 'friends', 'colleagues' and 'acquaintances':
I am relieved. Phew..
Hope this solves it. Phew again. I never thought that Social Media Networking would turn into such Serious Media/ Severe Media /Scary Media/ Sorry Media Networking.