Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have never, I feel, lived in my present. This I say not with cynicism, but with a strong sense of factuality. I have in fact been an observer of my own life- carefully observing the past events of my life and connecting them to the future has always been my way of living. I have in this course seen innumerable situations where I have seen that the past of a man creeps so intimately and undetected into his own future. This is slow. It's so slow that you easily lose track of it. You forget the event that triggered your life to change course into the one that you are currently living. That event of your past leads you to that logical, preplanned, organized, non co-incidental future so accurately that if you succeed in establishing a connection to your past and the future of your past (that is your present), you'll be astonished to find out that the entire design of life is just your doing! But, we must be warned that this is only the first revelation. As you get deeper into the understanding of the flow of events in your life, you reveal to yourself that you are not alone. Not at any point of time! You start seeing and hearing things that others call paranormal, miraculous or even abnormal and then you realize some things that you fear sharing with others. Your deep fear would be that others would feel confused and lost if you revealed what you know and this may result in a loss of their relation with you. They might as well think that you are weird, freaked and cracked. These are not the words that have their origin in a cynical or an ironical heart but are the analytical products of a thinking mind. And understand that these words that I have used are carefully thought and put to ink for they are true and solid occurrences of my life and experience. They have got nothing to do with any religious, institutional, or faith- borne practices or organizations, neither are they the subjects of fictitious thinking. Yes, we write our life out with our own pen without thinking where or to what it might lead to. We do this so often that we simply lose track of our own lives with time and then blame GOD or FATE or LUCK or STARS or STONES or VOODOOS for it.

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