Sunday, January 23, 2011

Being You! Being Me!

 Definitions: (source: not wikipedia, not oxford, not brittanica, not encyclopedia)

Artist: Not knowing what will emerge out yet letting the art emerge all by itself, without trying to actually pursue an idea! And finally stay with this!


Doesn't work for anybody but himself; 
When he feels he's absolutely right, the world disproves him 6 billion times (that's one for each human on earth... and counting 6Bil and 1, 2, 3...);
When he knows that his idea is absolutely sucky, an investor calls him and says, "I am interested in your project!" (of course, the funding doesn't happen finally); 
When he thinks that he's wasted his time on this holy earth, someone praises him and when he's busy, the world curses him for wasting time; 
Follows a dream like a loony;
Follows the investor as a loony;
Realizes the world is a loon house;
Understands the world was normal and he was the loon;
Further understands that if he was a loon and the world was his house, wouldn't that be a loon house;
Forces himself to understand that he is not a loon and the world is a beautiful place;
Investor calls- No time to think of the loony stuff!
Bye.. Gotto go.... someone is calling- may be an investor!
No... really, bye!

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