Sunday, February 13, 2011

Letter from Jim Carrey- A better U is a better universe...


"When I was a small child I brought relief to my family by taking their painful concerns and turning them into comedy. They enjoyed watching me play. Later, my career in show business blossomed after I made the conscious decision to serve the audience what I thought they really needed to see, someone who is carefree in the world and treats it all with a healthy dose of irreverence.
 Since very early in my memory the real thrill in life for me was..... Read on


VoiceWithin said...

jim plz check out my site

u r a true ispiration and i have mentined u on my site

i adore u and would love to shake ur hand

shell x

Sally Jane said...

Good ideas Jim. I enjoy your comedy and care about humanity as you do. Or as close as I can get to understanding how you care! LOL. As I can't do a good irreverential lisp here you'll have to take the LOL instea! Yeah, I want to help you with this Better U for a Better Universe!!! Kris Fowler

Fionnghula Thel said...

Awesome video thank you for sharing and putting on youtube :) Namaste