Thursday, February 10, 2011

My response to a Q from one of the social networking sites: "Do gay children really have a negative effect on "family values"?"

 In my personal opinion, I would like to use the word "deviation" or "diversion" here. Homosexuality is a kind of a diversion one may feel and tread from the natural order of things, if I may say. Its just like the different fantasies or likes one has in his/her love life! It's different for different people and it's normal.
But one sentence to make my firm stand:
Is legalizing/ supporting such "diversions" going to make a huge difference in the uplifting of the human race? I think not.
If you are already into it, then "that's ok!" But if you are not into it, then serious advise, counseling and mentoring is necessary for the youth today to not to get into such a "diversion" just for one simple reason- "It’s not normal!".
And I am not trying to snatch away anybody's freedom here.
To prove that, let me generalize the concept to even normal boy-girl relationships- heterosexuality. Here it is:
Being sexually attracted to the people of the opposite sex is a biological phenomenon and quite natural. But if that "want" to "share the bed" becomes the only thought for which one is living his/ her life or is simply complicating his/ her own life, then it becomes a problem!
We are living in an ever-increasingly-progressive-competitive-unforgiving-world. Be it homosexuality or hetero, thinking only about satisfying the sexual libido of a person is not good for:
  1. The person him/herself
  2. The society he/ she lives in
  3. Not at all good for their children!
The consequences are imminent:
  1. Hated/ confused social life
  2. Abnormal relationships
  3. No-one to call for aid if something goes wrong in the relationship (which is mainly "sex" driven- and these are many a times a violent ending!)
  4. Identity crisis for the individual
And even if the govt. and all the people of the world support homosexuality and grant them special reservations/ rights and consider them normal (with some special rights, that is), is it going to make a huge difference in the uplifting of the human race?
It is again going to be the same old story, but with a twist:
Guy breaking up with a guy!
Headlines in one of the newspapers would read:
“Girl sues her partner girlfriend after allegedly seeing her sharing intimate moments with another girl!"
"Lovers commit suicide due to parents' "NO!" Both the guys hanged themselves to the same ceiling fan!
Father says: "I had no idea! I thought they were just friends! You know, the usual friends"
And especially Indian parents will go:
"Dad: Where are you going son?
Son: Out with my friends, to watch a movie.
Dad: Your Boy friends? Why don't you take your little sister along? She loves movies too! And moreover, people will feel that everything's normal between you and David!"
We already have so many complications in life people. We haven’t answered even one question like:
  1. Who am I?
  2. Why was I born?
  3. What am I doing?
  4. What am I supposed to do?
  5. Why am I still working under him/ her?
  6. Why have I never got a hike since last year?
  7. When is my wife/ husband ever going to understand me?
  8. When will my son/ daughter listen to me?
  9. When will I become rich?
Or even better:
  1. What is life? /Is this life?
  2. What is death? /What is birth?
  3. Who is God?/ Who is Satan?
  4. How did I end up in my parents' family (amongst 6 billion people!)?
  1. Does M-Theory help me in understanding the origin of the universe totally?
  2. When will we find out a formula for deducing the occurrences of all Prime numbers?
  3. Is Stephen Hawking right when he says I don't believe in God?
  4. Do Carl Sagan's theories of the universes still hold?
  5. Will we ever be able to map all the genes?
  6. 2012? (Very near now!)
  7. What is the matrix?
  1. Is Dan Brown right about Jesus’ daughter and Holy Grail?
  2. Does Rekha (film actress) ever age?
  3. When is that TV series about Saas-Bahu (mother-in-law and daughter-in-law) going to end?
  1. Have I been of some help to somebody today?
  2. Have I been able to help at-least one kid in my entire life to get educated?
  3. Have I been a responsible person in my family?
  4. Do I deserve the love that others are showing towards me?
  5. Have I contributed my piece to the nation?
  6. Has my life been worthy enough?

You tell me, should I try and answer any of the above the questions or should I answer this:

“Was Alexander Gay?”

Why are we making a trend out of every “deviation”, “diversion”, “addiction” we get into? People have tried to prove to me that Jesus Christ was Gay which is totally unacceptable! I am a Hindu by birth, but everyone in the world knows why Jesus Christ is revered even today as a GOD for the largest population on earth! What matters about the life of Christ is what it teaches us- how to live! I have got nothing to do with the sexual orientation of him!

Again, why make a trend out of it? Why make news about it? Why support it?

You wouldn’t support your kid becoming a chain smoker, or a drunkard, or a person involved in illicit/ unprotected relationships! This is just the same- Stop them from “diverting” into “unnatural stuff” and train them to focus on constructive, progressive, positive things in life, not to mention uncomplicated and normal!
 In the Indian society, copulation between a Male and a Female was considered a divine act and was done only for the reason of having a graceful kid! But today, it's only a matter of satisfying one's animal instincts. And now, with homosexuality, it gets even better!
With all due respect to the homosexual community, I want to add that I have co-directed a movie on Gay rights which competed for Sony pix awards! It’s not wrong to think differently. But it hinders your own progress if you get obsessed toward certain addictions! And this applies not only to homosexuals, but to heterosexuals as well.
Children today are to be educated about the “urges” they feel in their youth, and it becomes the sole responsibility of the parents to talk to their kids, educate them and counsel them and get them focused about their lives!
Yes, it’s sometimes embarrassing and difficult. But parents, if you don’t, then who will?
 I would say no to “criminalizing” the kids, but serious counseling is needed!

And again, please comment!

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